Sunday, 1 April 2012

A not-so-lazy Sunday...

Weird how the definition of "lazy Sunday" changes as we get older.   In some respects, today felt like a "lazy Sunday". These days, Sundays mean household chores, errands, etc getting ready for the work week.  Since it was dark and rainy most of the day, it didn't seem so bad to spend the day doing the "ho-hum" stuff like that.

I was disappointed that the weather wasn't a bit better--I wasn't in the mood to try an outdoor run in this weather  as I've felt like I've been fighting a cold all week.  I opted to do a bit of a run on the treadmill (while doing laundry, no less!) and  managed to  do 8 km in 47:05.  I've taken it easy this week, recovering from ATB, but I don't want to completely lose  my focus or my progress.

I don't hate the treadmill...I would always to prefer to run outdoors if I could.  But our treadmill definitely hasn't collected any dust.  We've used it a lot and it's been a savour some days.  Today, I was especially thankful to be able to just walk down the stairs, hop on and get a good run in to help complete my "lazy Sunday". :)

1 comment:

  1. We were lucky to get a break from an all-day hailing madness for about 1h, so I managed to sneak in a 30min run. This winter/spring/summer/whatever has been very temperamental with serious mood swings. Good that you have a treadmill that you can count on when Mother Nature lets you down.
