Sunday, 8 April 2012

Amazing what running will do...

I've been taking it fairly easy since ATB.  Don't get me wrong...I've had some quality runs, but I've definitely been taking my time in recovering with some easy runs, but have had some good tempo runs thrown in too. 

One of oldest friends was home for Easter as well and she recently ran ATB as well.  She suggested we go for a run together on Friday. It was a great suggestion--we had no plans anyway and I wanted to get in a run and we don't usually get to run together so it was a really nice twist to our usual routines! It turned out to be great---we ran a 13k that was full of laughs, catching up, and recapping our ATB experiences.

It's so odd where life takes you.  About three years ago, we hit a rough patch in our friendship.  And for a few reasons, I needed to just seperate myself from her.  It's hard to explain without sounding like a jerk (and I'll admit...I probably was at that point) but I felt that our friendship had ran its course (no pun intended).

After about a year of no communication, we reached out to each other and reconnected.  We have gotten back in touch with each other with what I feel is a different friendship. It's not that our old connections are lost, but I think that things are different in a good way.

We have both gotten into running and now that is what has really bonded us.  As I was running with her on Friday, I realized how lucky I was to have not only rediscovered our friendship, but how lucky I am that we now have running as something that connects us.

Okay, this is sounding a little cheesy, I realize.  But it's another little reminder how much running has impacted my life.  Since I started plodding along, I've slowly and progressively changed in a few different areas of my life, not just physically.  So yeah...that sounds pretty cheesy...but it's also pretty great!

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