Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Staying Positive and Looking Ahead...

Some days, it feels like such an effort to just keep my head above water.  I'm sure most parents with little ones at home know exactly what I'm talking about.  I'm sometimes just happy to get out the door on time in the morning...the rest is just bonus!

That having been said, as the seasons change...I think it's natural that I start to think about what can keep me motivated and positive.  Motivation and positivity go hand in hand for me...and let's face it, those things are directly correlated to running these days. So, summer is behind me.  The Army Run is behind me. Now...what else?  Do I sign up for another race right away?  Or is it better to take a break?!

Hubby and I have been talking about planning a trip to Vegas all year...and we are finally going to do it.  We're going to time it around the Vegas Rock and Roll race and I've registered for the half!  It will be a first time for Vegas for me...and it will certainly be a huge adventure...we haven't really done a trip like this before together...and it will certainly be the longest time we've been away from our daughter. That having been said...I think the timing will be good...we have been needing some "couple" time...and part of me is pretty excited and anxious about doing a race like completely unknown territory!  I'm doing the run early on in our trip so then we can enjoy the rest of the time together, enjoying the sites!

As far as goals for the Vegas run...I think I will approach it similar to how I approached the Army Run.  I didn't have a set time goal...I have a range I'd like to be in...but it's more important for me at this point, to finish strong and finish feeling good.  Speed may come...or it may never, I'm not sure.  For now, I feel strong and I feel good...and that's what will keep me runnin' for the long haul! ;)


  1. Hey girl, still here, still reading... I was pretty impressed by your Army Run and just didn't have the right words at the time other than... nice guns! ;-)

    I heard great things about LV half, so I think you'll thoroughly enjoy it. We never made it to Vegas and boy, we are overdue for some couple time as well. Sport events are always a great motivator for travels. Have fun and keep the head up, and most important, above the weather.

    You are doing fantastic by the way!

  2. One piece of advice, Tequila the night before works better than you can imagine. For real!

  3. Hi, I'm back! I’ve been nominated for Liebster Award and wanted to pay it forward by nominating your blog for one too!

    The Rules:
    1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
    2. Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you. <----on my blog
    3. Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to.
    4. Choose 11 people to award and send them a link to your post. Go to their page and tell them.
    5. No tag backs.
